CFA Winter Epee Competitions kids-Teenages and Adult
Clement Fencing Academy organize her Winter Epee Competition for her members (only)
This is an enjoyable event, the opportunity for the fencer to apply what was learnt in trainings, for the parents to see and support their kid(s) in situation, for the kid to get different skills like hard focus, emotion managment, stress managment, ...
Age group : Pupille 9-10 years old / Benjamin 11-12 Years old
Date : 1rst December 2018
Time : 1:30 pm - 1:45pm close registartion- 2 pm starts
Place : In Sport Hall of Lycee Voltaire in AL WAAB (ask for location Whatsapp 7751-2469)
End : 4:30pm Formule : 1 round of Poules with no eliminate / Tableau Direct ELimination with ranking place to fence
Registration : by email or in training - Before thursday 29 November - 50 Qar registration fees (for referees Green Blason)
A buffet will be on site, and also "La Creperie Qatar". Every fencer will get a coupon buffet and crepe from la Creperie Qatar,
If possible bring normal crepes for buffet or cake, or quatre-quart (easy to eat, no cream, ...)
Voltaire School informed me it will be in the school an Artisanal Market from 1pm to 5pm so you can do some good shopping there
Clement Fencing Academy organize her Winter Epee Competition. This competition is open to every QFF member.
This is an enjoyable event, the opportunity for the fencer to apply what was learnt in trainings and the opportunity to strengthen the skills like hard focus, emotion managment, stress managment, ...
Age group : Minime (13-14 years old ) and Cadet (15-16 years old). 12 years old with blue or green blason can participate if they want
Date : 1rst December 2018
Time : 4:30 pm / 5pm close registration / 5:15pm start
Place : In Sport Hall of Lycee Voltaire in AL WAAB (ask for location Whatsapp 7751-2469)
End : 8:30pm
Formule : 1 round of Poules with no eliminate / Tableau Direct Elimination with ranking place to fence
Registration : by email or in training - Before thursday 29 November - no registration fees
A buffet will be on site, and also "La Creperie Qatar". Every fencer will get a coupon buffet and crepe from la Creperie Qatar,
If possible bring normal crepes for buffet or cake, or quatre-quart (easy to eat, no cream, ...)
Voltaire School informed me it will be in the school an Artisanal Market from 1pm to 5pm so you can do some good shopping there
Clement Fencing Academy is organizing the Winter Epee Competition Open on this Saturday coming, 24th November
Date : 24th November 2018
Time : 5pm - 5:15pm close registration - 5:30pm starts
Place : In Sport Hall of Lycee Voltaire in AL WAAB (ask for location Whatsapp 7751-2469)
End : 8:30pm
Formule : Poules with no eliminate - Tableau Direct Elimination with all ranking matches
Registration : by email or in training - No registration fees
Competitions are always the opportunity to apply what you learnt in training. Just do your best
It's not because things are difficult that we do not do them,
but it's because we do not do them that makes them difficult…